listen to their stories

This interview was conducted by the team of SOHA on

    in the city of . The interviewed is a a Female who's age ranged between
    • 40 - 50
    years old at the time of the interview.



    Relevant titles

    • Military Practices and Violations: Arrest - Enforced disappearance - systematic kidnapping - captivity - imprisonment
    • Military Practices and Violations: Bombing - Internal bombing - external bombing - aerial bombardment - shells - bombs - barrels - chemical
    • Military Practices and Violations: Displacement
    • Military Practices and Violations: Engaging in armed action - Conscription - volunteering in the battles - joining armed factions
    • Military Practices and Violations: Siege - security cordon - the closure of the crossings
    • Military Practices and Violations: Violations
    • Life in the years of the revolution - changes and adaptation to the situation: health status - Diseases - physical disabilities / mental - the loss of parts of the body - health care - treatment at home
    • Life in the years of the revolution - changes and adaptation to the situation: Income - prices - high prices - control of traders
    • Life in the years of the revolution - changes and adaptation to the situation: professional status - Wages - jobs - professions - rights - child labor
    • Illegal Practices - Exploitation: Outlaws - Terrorists - shabiha - armed factions - dissidents - battalions
    • Illegal Practices - Exploitation: Stealing - Housebreaking - looting - kidnapping - ransom
    • Revolution, Changes, Conflict

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